Modern Renaissance

Flair, Fervor, & Flawless Vernacular: Getting Tongue-Tied with Southern Dialects, Gay Jargon, and Linguistic Razzle-Dazzle!

May 29, 2023 Dalton Perkinson & John Buchanan Season 1 Episode 3
Flair, Fervor, & Flawless Vernacular: Getting Tongue-Tied with Southern Dialects, Gay Jargon, and Linguistic Razzle-Dazzle!
Modern Renaissance
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Modern Renaissance
Flair, Fervor, & Flawless Vernacular: Getting Tongue-Tied with Southern Dialects, Gay Jargon, and Linguistic Razzle-Dazzle!
May 29, 2023 Season 1 Episode 3
Dalton Perkinson & John Buchanan

It's not what you say, it's how you say it! In this episode we delve into the varieties of spoken language and its impact on the world around us. We discuss the way we speak within our social circles, the origin of some colorful southern expressions, and how jargon has shaped academic and political institutions for both the good and bad. Prepare to ask the question: "Yeah, why do I say that?!"

Hosts: Dalton Perkinson (Instagram) & John Buchanan

Show Notes

It's not what you say, it's how you say it! In this episode we delve into the varieties of spoken language and its impact on the world around us. We discuss the way we speak within our social circles, the origin of some colorful southern expressions, and how jargon has shaped academic and political institutions for both the good and bad. Prepare to ask the question: "Yeah, why do I say that?!"

Hosts: Dalton Perkinson (Instagram) & John Buchanan